Daughters of Penelope
El Camino Real District 20

The Mission of the Daughters of Penelope is to promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, Family and Individual Excellence.

AHEPA El Camino Real District 20 CONVENTION PAGE


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El Camino Real District 20

The Daughters of Penelope have granted hundreds of thousands of dollars to AHEPA Family-related women toward a variety of scholarships.

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El Camino Real District 20

District 20 covers Southern California, Arizona, Las Vegas, and Hawaii. Please look to find a Chapter near you and join today

What's Happening!


Daughters of Penelope District 20Daughters of Penelope District 20 at 2024 Mid-Winter Conference in Long Beach

Daughters of Penelope District 20Fillable PDF HERE!

Daughters of Penelope District 20CURRENT BULLETIN HERE

Past Governor's Bulletins Page

Daughters of Penelope Scholarship Opportunities

Scholarships The Daughters of Penelope believes education is the primary path toward advancement of women in today's society.

Get in Touch!

Please send a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

And thank you for taking the time to contact us!