El Camino Real District 20

El Camino Real District 20 AHEPA Scholarship Foundation
In 1959, spearheaded by several dedicated members of the AHEPA family, the dream of a scholarship program was realized. As a tax-exempt foundation, the number of scholarships awarded is based upon the amount of interest derived from investments. Every fall, scholarship applications are available to AHEPA family members. Applicants must be members of the AHEPA family or children of AHEPA family members. Those eligible to apply are graduating high school seniors and college/university undergraduates. Scholarships are based primarily on scholastic merit. However, other achievements are also taken into consideration. Recipients receive their awards in the summer at a Scholarship Award Luncheon that is held during the District Convention. For more information, please visit
Current Scholarship Application Current Post Graduate Application
Past Recipients

The Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc. established in 1983 to provide monetary support for special programs - primarily scholarships - for future generations. The scholarship program puts education as the primary path forward for advancement of women in today's society. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been awarded to women affiliated with the AHEPA family of organizations. Undergraduate and postgraduate awards are available. In addition to the scholarship program there are many more programs offered by the Foundation. For more information, please visit